How to Declutter Before Moving Day

How to Declutter Before Moving Day

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all the packing and organizing that comes with moving? If you’re trying to keep your move as stress-free as possible, the first step is to get organized and declutter before the big day. Read on for our top tips on making your move easier – starting with decluttering!

Make a Plan

Before packing and decluttering, take time to create a plan. This should include who you are delegating tasks to (if anyone) and the deadline for reaching each item on the ‘Declutter Before Moving Day’ list. People often underestimate how long it takes for comprehensive decluttering; therefore, a plan will ensure no critical task is forgotten or tasks become uncompleted due to lack of time. After the plan has been written and any tasks have been delegated, start working through it one item at a time.

Break down large tasks into smaller chunks to make them easier to complete, allowing progress to be seen at each step and motivating as you move closer towards your goal. Where possible, try and donate items that benefit someone else instead of discarding them.

Another option is hiring a professional moving company offering decluttering services. They will have the expertise and experience to help you declutter your home efficiently and know how to dispose of or donate any unwanted items properly. Not only that, but it will also save you time and energy, allowing you to focus on other essential tasks related to your move.

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Sort Through Your Possessions

Moving day is just around the corner, so it’s time to start sorting through all your possessions. Most people end up with more than they need over time, so when moving day arrives, it pays to be ready for the process by going through your items and deciding what to keep and what can go.

You can start by sorting everything into categories – clothing, kitchen items, appliances, décor items, etc., and then making a further division between stuff that you want to take with you vs items that can be given away or disposed of. When considering what to keep, think about whether the item serves a purpose in your life (e.g., will this pan help me make dinner?) or adds any joy or value in any way (do I really love this lamp?).

Before disposing of anything, consider reframing it or giving it away – many local charities are happy to accept donations of gently used furniture and other household items in good condition. If you have no use for an item but think someone else might benefit from their donation, it can make a difference in someone else’s life.

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Whatever doesn’t survive the decluttering process should be bagged up and taken directly outside – don’t give yourself a chance to reverse your decision-making once things have been removed from sight! But above all, remember to keep your mindset positive about moving – being mindful about material possessions before moving could save you lots of headaches once you’re settled into your new place!

Get Rid of Unneeded Items

When it’s time to move, the best way to reduce the number of items you must take with you is to eliminate anything you don’t need. This will also save you money as you won’t have to pay for packing and moving costs for things that are no longer issues. Take some time out before moving day to go through your stuff and decide what will go with you and what can stay behind.

Start with clothes; sort through each item and determine if it still fits your style or has any sentimental value. Get rid of items that don’t cut by donating them or hosting a garage sale. You could easily make a few hundred dollars this way, which may come in handy during your next move.

Shoes can be another area where we tend to accumulate extra items that we no longer need or use. Go through every pair individually, try them on, and feel free to eliminate pairs that don’t fit anymore or aren’t comfortable enough to wear often. Keeping only two to three pairs ensures that everything is useful at all times without cluttering up your living space.

Organize What’s Left

After sorting through your belongings and donating or discarding what is no longer needed, you are ready to start organizing. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time for this step, as packing and organizing can take longer than expected.

Begin by grouping items that will be placed in similar areas of the new residence. This may include kitchen or closet items. Keep these groups together when packing them into boxes or plastic bins where possible. Labelling boxes with the room they are headed for will speed up the unpacking process later, but also consider labelling them with their contents if necessary too.

For those who plan on taking clothes hangers with them when they move, keep them in a box labelled “Hangers” – it will help make unpacking more accessible and faster since you’ll put your clean clothing directly on hangers as soon as you arrive in your new home. This also applies to items like curtains; use plastic bags and store them together in a box that is labelled “Curtains” so that when you unpack, you can easily hang them up where needed.

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If your moving is tied to changing jobs or major life events such as a wedding, make sure any documents related to those changes are securely packed away with other necessary paperwork such as deeds or house titles. Hence, it is easy for you when located after moving in.

Finally, don’t forget to pack aside any supplies you might need right away – toilet paper (for obvious reasons), cleaning supplies (to give counters and surfaces a quick wipe down before putting out new mugs), snacks (to satisfy hunger while unpacking) and plenty of bottles of water (for staying hydrated).

Prioritize Packing

Before you start packing for your move, you should follow one golden rule: prioritize packing! Moving day will be here before you know it, and you want to be as organized and efficient as possible. To help yourself get started, create a plan that prioritizes which items to pack first.

If you’re like most people, the bulk of your possessions can be sorted into two categories–items used regularly and those not used frequently. As a general rule, it pays to pack the items that are infrequently used first.

On the other hand, essential household items such as linens, dishes, cookware and cleaning supplies should always be packed last to have easy access throughout the moving process. Keep in mind that packing up these kinds of items doesn’t necessarily mean boxing them all up; instead of packing away clothes or bedding, for example – move them from drawer to drawer or closet to closet.


Now that you’ve made it through the entire decluttering process and are about to move into your new home, take an extra minute to admire your hard work!

Whether you donate all of the items you’ve cleared out or throw away what you don’t need, the important thing is that your moving experience will be much smoother and more straightforward. Plus, you will have more resources—whether time, physical space or money—to make your new place feel like home!

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